Categories with Johnny Decimal

I raised this under Projects because I am seeing a lot of sprawl in my thoughts.

It would be really good to group ideas together in a consistent way. At the moment I don't really feel like it's clear where things actually live.

There's a method called the Johnny Decimal system that might help with this sprawl. Article

Categories in Anki with Subdecks. Source

This feels like something I'd want to do with the Resources section.

This seems extremely valuable to do in conjunction with organising Anki decks. I found someone who was using this method to create sub decks and it looked pretty impressive. Anki Subdecks

## TODO - [ ] Migrate extended information to Resources. - [ ] Link from Meta-cognition. - [ ] Ask if peg lists and johnny decimal are related in memory community.Community - [ ] Read up on the PARA framework again. Article - [ ] Watch the Obsidian Starter Kit video and take notes in Resources. Youtube - [ ] Create an example taxonomy in Areas and reflect on it. GDocs (private) - [ ] Migrate resource pages to Johnny Decimal system